Our Fantasy Football Cheat Sheets are updated daily, sometimes multiple times per day, during the months of July through January.

Be careful that you aren't caught with an out-of-date fantasy football cheat sheet come draft day! |
All Cheat Sheets are located on the Draft Analyzer results page. If you are currently logged in, and you have created a team (and set a scoring system), all you have to do is go to your Draft Analyzer set up page and follow the directions in order to get your customized Cheat Sheets created! |
The fact is, everybody (well, everybody who's serious about winning) is bringing their sacred "cheat sheets" to their 2016 draft. The problem is, though, too many of those "so-called" cheat sheets are really useless scraps of paper. Ask yourself:
Fantasy football magazines, and their fantasy football cheat sheets, are out of date by the time they hit the press, meaning the information is at least weeks-t-months old by the time your draft arrives! How are you supposed to be successful executing a fantasy draft with outdated, stale information like that?
Most fantasy experts use "tier-based" fantasy football cheat sheets to help make the right fantasy football picks each and every round. Our NFL analysts, Russ Bliss and Smitty, have won dozens of fantasy championships. Russ explains:
"Tiering players into groups is something I'm a big believer in as it takes the guesswork out of which position to go after. Knowing your scoring system is key as tiers will differ from one league to another. I'm always amazed at how many people don't really study their scoring system as they think they're all the same.
Our fantasy football Draft Analyzer automatically calculates the tiers for you based on your league's individual scoring system . Plus, the Draft Analyzer considers real time player updates vs. the static written/outdated "cheat sheets." That means, on any given day, your cheat sheet is obsolete. But by tomorrow morning, our Draft Analyzer will have different draft recommendations. And from an analysis perspective, the recommendations we provide apply to 99% of fantasy league scoring systems."
Russ adds, "I really recommend using the tier fantasy football sheets you can print from the Draft Analyzer results page and using them for cheat sheets. On the day of your draft, run the Analyzer right before you go and print up your cheat sheets as you head out the door (or log on to your league system if you're doing an online draft)."
Not yet a member? Buy Now to get personalized cheat sheets customized to your specific league's scoring system - bring these updated/custom rankings to your fantasy football draft!
And our Draft Analyzer also accomodates those who prefer having just a simple ranking. The STARTERS Draft Analyzer uses it's Value Based System to create links to Fantasy Football Player Rankings at each position on the Draft Analyzer results page.
What Our Customers Say about the Draft Analyzer Cheat Sheets:
"FFS tiers rock! Back to back championships using that tool for my draft cheat sheet! " -Tom
"I used the cheat sheet and the draft board from your site for the first time and I was delighted by the outcome." - Mike
"Fantasy freaks like myself always enjoy going out to buy a great printed guide that is stuffed with sleepers and busts, cheat sheets for almost every scoring system. And some great articles about the rookies. Just remember that much of the information becomes outdated though due to a number of factors including injuries and trades and so forth. So, do not rely on any of these guides to get you through a draft." - James
BUY NOW, and you can use the Draft Analyzer and be printing out custom tiered cheat sheets for your draft in just a few minutes! And remember, with our money-back guarantee you can't lose. Get started.